.. index: ToscaWidgets 2 Documentation ============================ ToscaWidgets aims to be a practical and useful widgets framework that helps people build interactive websites with compelling features, faster and easier. Widgets are re-usable web components that can include a template, server-side code and JavaScripts/CSS resources. The library aims to be: flexible, reliable, documented, performant, and as simple as possible. For changes since ToscaWidgets 0.9, see :doc:`history`. You can see the available widgets in the `Widget Browser `_. ToscaWidgets 2 library packages follow the same naming convention, for example: * `tw2.core `_ -- Core functionality -- no end-usable widgets here. * `tw2.forms `_ -- Basic forms library * `tw2.dynforms `_ -- Dynamic forms -- client-side and Ajax * `tw2.sqla `_ -- SQLAlchemy database interface, similar to Sprox and Rum * `tw2.yui `_ -- tw2 wrappers around Yahoo User Interface widgets * `tw2.jquery `_ -- tw2 wrappers around jQuery core functionality. * `tw2.jqplugins.ui `_ -- tw2 wrappers around jQuery-UI widgets. * `tw2.jit `_ -- tw2 wrappers around the Javascript Infovis Toolkit. * ... and `many more `_. ---- **Online Resources** * Live demos -- Pick and choose from available libraries from the `tw2 Widget Browser `_. * Tutorials for doing -- * Dynamic database-driven forms with :doc:`tw2 and Pyramid `. * Dynamic database-driven forms with :doc:`tw2 and TurboGears 2.1 `. * Dynamic database-driven forms with :doc:`tw2 all by its standalone self `. * Interactive relationship graphs with `tw2.jit and Pyramid `_. * Interactive relationship graphs with `tw2.jit and TurboGears 2.1 `_. * `Database-aware jqgrid, with jqplot and portlets in a TG2.1 app `_. * `Bubble charts with tw2.protovis `_. * Nightly run `test results `_. * Email list: `toscawidgets-discuss `_. * IRC channel: ``#toscawidgets`` on ``irc.freenode.net`` * Bug tracker: `Paj's bitbucket account `_. * (All ToscaWidgets 2 issues should go here, regardless of which component the issue exists in. However, ToscaWidgets 0.9 bugs must not go on this tracker.) ---- **Contents** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorial design devtools history Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`