.. _contents: tw.forms Documentation ====================== tw.forms is a set of `ToscaWidgets`_ for building HTML forms. It allows a web developer to quickly develop forms that support server-side validation, and report clear error messages to users. Validation is done using `FormEncode`_, a validation library. As well as widgets for the basic HTML form fields, tw.forms includes some more advanced widgets, such as :class:`tw.forms.calendars.CalendarDatePicker`. .. _ToscaWidgets: http://www.toscawidgets.org/ .. _FormEncode: http://www.formencode.org/ To get started, read `Building a Form with tw.forms`_. For more detailed reference documentation, read the Module `Reference`_. .. _Building a Form with tw.forms: tutorials/index.html .. _Reference: modules/index.html Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tutorials/index modules/index changelog Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`