To run this example you need to install CherryPy, Genshi and tw.forms:
$ easy_install "CherryPy>=3.0.0" Genshi tw.forms
from wsgiref.validate import validator
from pprint import pformat
from pkg_resources import require
require('CherryPy>=3.0.0', 'tw.forms', 'Genshi')
import cherrypy
from genshi.template import Context, MarkupTemplate
from genshi.output import DocType
from formencode import Invalid
from tw.forms.samples import AddUserForm
template = MarkupTemplate("""\
<html xmlns=""
<head> <title>SimpleWSGI app using tw.forms and ToscaWidgets</title></head>
# Dummy model objects to prefill the form.
class Address(object):
def __init__(self, **kw):
class Person(object):
name = "Peter"
email = "peter@example"
age = 2
address = [Address(street="Elm Street")]
# The form instance. Note that widgets are usually module-level singletons.
# Once initialized they are state-less so they are safe to use in several
# threads while serving concurrent requests.
myform = AddUserForm('form')
class Controller(object):
def index(self, **form_data):
if form_data:
value = myform.validate(form_data)
return ('<h1>Validated data:</h1>'
'<a href="./">Again</a>' % pformat(value))
except Invalid, error:
ctx = Context(value=Person(), form=myform)
t = template.generate(ctx)
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF8'
return t.render(method='xhtml', doctype=DocType.XHTML) = True
#XXX I'm not sure how can I pass args. to the middleware with CP's config
# pipeline API, hence this hacky wrapper. Any better way of doing this?
def tw_middleware(app):
from tw.api import make_middleware
conf = {'toscawidgets.framework.default_view':'genshi',
'toscawidgets.middleware.inject_resources': 'true'}
return make_middleware(app, conf, stack_registry=True)
cp_config = {
'/': {'wsgi.pipeline': [
('validator1', validator),
('tw', tw_middleware),
('validator2', validator),
if __name__ == "__main__":
cherrypy.quickstart(Controller(), '', cp_config)