.. _db_sqlobject: SQLObject ========= **Note:** This assumes that you have SQLObject installed and enabled in your web framework. Refer to your framework's documentation for details on how to do this. Define Model ------------ Add the following to your model file. The actual file depends on the framework:: import sqlobject as so class Movie(so.SQLObject): title = so.StringCol(length=100) description = so.StringCol() year = so.IntCol() genera = so.StringCol(length=100) release_date = so.DateCol() SQLObject automatically creates an integer primary key column, called ``id``. When you've done this, you need to tell your web framework to create the database tables, see the framework-specific instructions. Load Data --------- In the ``movie`` controller method, replace the following lines:: # TBD: load movie from database movie = None With:: movie = id is not None and db.Movie.get(id) Save Data --------- In the ``save_movie`` controller method, replace the line:: # TBD: save movie to database With:: movie = id is not None and db.Movie.get(id) or db.Movie() movie.set(kw)