.. _fieldsets: .. currentmodule:: tw.forms.fields Fieldsets ========= These widget containers are designed to hold fields to edit a related item inline in their parent's form. When a form containing a fieldset is validated, all the fields in the fieldset will appear in a nested dictionary inside the forms dict (Fill and submit this :ref:`sample form ` to undersand it better) To create fieldsets for purely layout purposes it is best to create a custom template and put the fieldset markup there. :class:`FieldSet` ------------------ This is the base class of all fieldset widgets. It has a very basic template which should be overriden. .. autoclass:: tw.forms.fields.FieldSet .. widgetbrowser:: tw.forms.fields.FieldSet :tabs: source, template :class:`TableFieldSet` ---------------------- .. autoclass:: tw.forms.fields.TableFieldSet .. widgetbrowser:: tw.forms.fields.TableFieldSet :tabs: source, template :class:`ListFieldSet` ---------------------- .. autoclass:: tw.forms.fields.ListFieldSet .. widgetbrowser:: tw.forms.fields.ListFieldSet :tabs: source, template